Mini Road Trips

Yesterday I took a mini road trip to Columbus, Ohio which is about an hour away from where I currently live.  To some people, an hour might be really far, while to other people it might seem like, oh it's only an hour.  I seem to be the latter in most cases.

When I take mini road trips like this, it is so easy to unplug.  There isn't anything else you can do but to watch the open road, listen to music and think.  And maybe drink a latte?  

You can't pick up your computer and start stalking surfing the web.  You can't do your dishes or fold your laundry.  You just sit, sip and listen.

I feel like I have so many thoughts lately.  Mostly about LBF and the upcoming months.  It was really nice to listen to myself think and piece together some ideas.  Today I am putting those ideas to paper, and working my little self silly.

PS:  There is a giveaway for a $40 shop credit to Little Blue Feathers happening on The Frosted Petticoat Blog!  Head on over here to enter to win :)

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