
Home for the holidays

There's no place like home for the holidays; in fact, it's my favorite part about any holiday.  Spending time with our families is something I always look forward to.
Here is a look into our Christmas spent with family.

My family

Little Eli.  One of 11 kids running around my parents house on Christmas Eve!

Someone got a little monster shirt from LBF ;)

Mr. Sharkey and I late Christmas Eve.

our nephew loves mickey mouse!  This mickey mouse pillow pet might have been
his favorite thing he opened at grandma and papaw Sharkeys.

Our little niece Abbey.  She loves santa ;)

This might have been our Christmas card photo.  And I might have underestimated
the amount of family members we have by like 30 people.  And they didn't get
sent out til the week of Christmas.  Isn't that horrible?!

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