
InstaFriday - 11.18.11

Today I am linking up with Life Rearranged for Insta Friday!  This past week has been packed full with so many fun surprises, visits, new arrivals and play time.  Although I was really bad about capturing these moments on my camera, here is a short recap of my week:
  • Mr. Sharkey and I surprised our families last weekend for three birthday celebrations in our hometown!  {Let me tell you, it's tricky trying to surprise both sets of parents on two different days when they only live down the street from each other}
  • I got to meet my friend's brand new baby girl, Lucy :)
  • New shirts came in for my shop
  • I ordered 3 new screens for screen printed t-shirts this week!  {Hint hint...hand drawn stylized pinwheels and feathers coming soon}
  • I saw Breaking Dawn Part 1 at midnight last night and the suspense is over.  I finally know what happens in the ending! {I never read the books and only watched the movies when they first came out.  So you could say I have been guessing and trying to figure out the story line for three years}

In addition to all of that, here are some other great things about my week:

While in Columbus, I got Jeni's ice cream...for dinner.  {Please no judging}  Jeni's ice cream is simply amazing.  My dinner sundae was 1 scoop black forrest cake, 1 scoop frankincense & almond cake, hot fudge, salted pecans, home made cool whip and a waffle chip.  Deeeelish.

Working on a screen printed womens shirt.

Husband lovin on Stanlee.  

One of my new womens shirts that will be photographed and listed in my shop tomorrow!  I love the little foxes.  I might need to make one for me to keep ;)

Now that it is Friday, I am excited to have a weekend at home with the Mr. 

I love quality family time on the weekends.  This weekend's quality time might involve some cutting, screen printing and sewing.  Ya know, it's that time of year ;)

life rearranged

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness! those little foxes are to die for! and ice cream for dinner? no judging...sometimes you just gotta do it!


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