
Is it really "FUN"?

Something I have never understood about Halloween candy is the fact that they sell large bags of "fun size" candy bars.  "Fun size"?!  In my opinion, I don't understand what is so "fun" about a tiny little package of skittles that only gives you 5 pieces of candy or a Butterfinger bar the size of my thumb.  I think they should all be called minis and the king size bars would be better named as fun size bars.  Because lets be honest, in candy land, size matters!



  1. I hear ya. It should be called lame sized. haha.

  2. Lol. Totally agree. There is nothing fun about a tiny piece of candy!!

    Just came over from the fest! New follower. :)

  3. i agree, i eat like 5 of them at once. stopping by from the followers fest, i'd love for you to visit my blog and check out the huge giveaway going on- xoxo, nicole

  4. You are SO right. I can't believe I've never thought of it this way... there is certainly nothing fun about a butterfinger the size of well... your little finger. Love this post!

  5. Yes, they are definitely lame. I wish I could afford to buy all the kids real candy bars!

  6. Sometimes little is cute but when it comes to food it's just disappointing. ;) Cute blog

  7. Haha Ya i agree

    Stopping by from the blog hop.

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