
Fresh Picked Flowers

So as mentioned at the beginning of the week, I dedicated this weeks free work time to making new flower accessories!  I have so many beautiful new fabrics and supplies that I have loved getting to cut up and use this week.

My favorite fabric store, Sew to Speak, is located in Columbus, OH which is about an hour and 20 minutes from my home.  Every time I walk in, I am in awe of how adorable their shop is and also the amazing collection of designer fabrics they carry.  Last week, I purchased some of their wool felt for the first time, and I am now hooked!  The quality, colors and feel of the felt is perfect for creating beautiful little flower accessories!  I have not been able to find 100% wool felt like this before.  Below are some of the new items I made this week with my lovely felt.

I would love to hear if there is a favorite of yours!


Months ago my dad gave me some of my grandma's old lace that he saved, along with lots and lots of buttons.  Since then, I have had a large rubbermaid box filled to the top of all kinds of lace staring at me waiting to be pulled out and experimented with.  Today was that day!  While in the flower mode, I decided to give a lace flower a try.  I must say the colors are not my typical style, but given the right outfit, I would love to wear it this spring!  Take a look...

I am hoping to take pictures this weekend of the new printed cotton fabric flowers I created this week to share with you all!  I hope you have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I can visualize someone wearing the white flower in a wedding. Very romantic!

  2. I must say that these are my favorite of all of the flowers that you have done so far! I love the white and purple ones. The one done with eyelet fabrice is beautiful...I will be placinf an order soon :)

  3. Hi Michelle, I love the white one as well. It would be so perfect for a fall or winter wedding. Your shop is lovely - so many adorable things, and of course I do love the Bostie!

  4. SO adorable! I love the stitching along with the felt. gorgeous!


Thank you for your comments.